March Into Spring
How are you doing during these stressful times? I'm fine, but last night I was overcome with the need to wash my kitchen floor and today to wash my lace the physical activity is good, right? And my house will be cleaner, too. How are you dealing with the current situation? Please stay well and stay safe.
If you're spending some time reading, two of my books are on sale this month:

**TWO March SALES** Don't Miss These!
BEACH RENTAL ~ the first novel in the Emerald Isle, NC Stories series - can also be read as a single title - is on SALE for 99 cents in the US and Canada. This is a great opportunity to try it out. US CANADA
THE HAPPINESS IN BETWEEN is on sale for 99 cents. It's a single title set in rural Virginia (Cub Creek) and it's Sandra's story of second and third chances. US
Also! One of the founding authors in MY BOOK TRIBE (a fabulous reader group on Facebook - if you're not a member, you should join us!) is having her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY today! Happy Birthday, Kay Bratt! And her newest release is also on sale for $1.99! TRUE TO ME! Grab a copy! You'll love this book!

Be Well ~ Be Kind ~ Be Safe