Thanksgiving is Coming!
I love Autumn. I know I’ve said that before…many times. One of the best things about Autumn is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The gathering of family and friends, the food, the Tryptophan, and football playing on TV in the background ~ makes me remember many, many years of happy Thanksgivings.

Traditionally, of course, we expect turkey and stuffing and gravy and cranberries, but what else? Is there some dish that you always make for Thanksgiving and rarely have any other time during the year? Mine is Spoon Bread.
I love Spoon Bread. It’s simple and it’s bread and you put lots of butter on it and eat it with a fork (or spoon, if you prefer). I use my grandmother’s recipe (and who knows how many generations before her). It’s very simple and basic, but it’s easy and good, and I’m sharing it with you in case you don’t already have your own:
Spoon Bread
Put one cup of white corn meal in a glass or metal bowl.
Pour two cups of boiling water over the white corn meal.
Beat in the following ingredients (which you should already have handy so it goes quickly):
One cup milk
One-half teaspoon salt
Three teaspoons baking powder
Two tablespoons softened butter (take the stick out the night before so it softens)
Four eggs, well-beaten.
Pour the hand-beaten mixture into a buttered two-quart baking dish.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for twenty to twenty-five minutes. The top and edges should be golden brown.
Happy Thanksgiving!